SPEAKASIA a new comers view point
Posted by Ashok Bahirwani on May 24, 2011 at 6:34pm
I did some home work and researched around a bit before i subscribed to E zine by taking three ids (Tripod) and 4 subpanels under myself.
“sar munda te hi ole pade”
But No i dint get scared or started panicking rather started to follow every thing from all news reports to the SAOL Press conference, Mr Manoj Kumars talk to all speak asians, followed almost all links available in the public domain relating to almost every aspect and connected with SAOL.
What i have understood and wish to share with Co SpeakAsians is as follows:
1) Our company is involved in Precision Mass Marketing and is presently involved with providing a Panel Base to companies. Before SAOL gets into the second phase of actuall product marketing and various other verticals it is presently also conducting Surveys and offering to their Clients precise opinion of a dedicated empowered consumer base (Presently over 20 Lakh Soverign Consumers)
2) The Gen X Consumer fair in Goa showcased the strength of this family of SpeakAsians pertinent to note here is that this Gen X had participation from over 100 bluechip Multinational Companies etc. Speak Asians got to taste the fruit of being part of this fast growing platform/family of Empowered Consumers. The Gen X was an ideal platform to show how an idea can be WIN-WIN for all concerned, The Seller and the Buyer.
3) Like any new enterant every Company needs to have a base of Consumers to address to, either with their products or their services. SAOL also wanted a base of customers and a wide one at that, so for the first phase they may have adopted the referal method which is a time tested method to add on more consumers in a short time. MLM in itself seems to be a bad word but if it is not banned by the Law of the l*** then how can you fault a corporate entity who has adopted this method to get a broad base for itself.
4) SAOL seems to have taken proper legal opinion on every aspect of the legal standing for their Business in India. The stand of the company is simple they are in the business of marketing E zine magazine through a network of Distributors/Franchisees who in turn pay Service tax to the Govt for serviceses rendered. The company pays their Panelists directly through proper legal Banking channels.
5) None of the News Channel’s have been able to bring out a single complaint, from amongst the huge family of 20 lakh SPEAKASIANS, of any wrong doing or non payments on part of SAOL. None of the Channels have brought out any legal wrong doing by the company. The RBI Governor was very clear in informing to the public in general that MLM companies are legal and does not fall under the gambut of RBI.
6) I understand because of the malacious campaign by the Press in general, Various authorities and departments may have surely started a probe and may be looking into various activities of the Company e.g. RBI may be scrutnizing all transactions like inward and outward remmittences. The Company Law Board may have put under the scanner the legal standings of the Company and its Operation in India. The Excise Department would surely see if the Service Tax has been properly paid. The Law ministry may look at other aspects of the Company.
7) It is not easy to satisfy all the above mentioned departments/organisations in a hurry because such probes are quite detailed and lengthy. No officer has the moral courage to give a clean chit even if he is satisfied of the affairs as no one likes to bell the cat specially under such vitigated atmosphere while the media is going hammer and tongs after the company. This is the time when all speakasians need to have patience and stand behind the company with full solidarity.
If what Mr. Manoj Kumar, and Mr. Narayanan say is true that we need to be patient and make people understand that this is a new concept may be a little before its time and if all aspects of law have really been taken care of and nothing shocking comesout of this probe then please understand that this concept will just simply zoom off to such heights that even the company would never have dreamt of.
9) What makes me feel confident of SAOL is that the way all the officials are still fighting and facing the press and probably all the departments with a unified face shows resolve and long term committment. No company with a short time focus would have invested in technology as SAOL has with IBM and Amazon etc.
In conclusion i just want to tell all my Co SpeakAsians we need to be carefull and understand the entire business module as the company sees it because all will understand that all this hungama started from some misrepresentations of some company official and some franchisee.
Every time some misrepresentaion happens people will hold it against the company dont use words like INVESTMENT, MLM, RETURN OF INVESTMENT ETC.
Use words informed to us by the company like PRECISION MASS MARKETING, PANEL BASE, NEXT GENERATION MARKETING, EMPOWERED CONSUMER etc which anyways is the correct and factual position.
Read and understand all messages from the company clearly and have faith in all communications without doubt.
Hope we all follow the Module to the T and together we are able to create growth and empower ourselves and the family of SPEAKASIANS.
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